Angol - Magyar Szótár | to the

Online fordító - Szótár
Speciális karakterek:     

to the

szóra: 88 - Angol-Magyar szótár
a year to the day
accede to the throne
according to the news received hitherto
according to the news received so far
according to the news received up to date
according to the scuttlebut
add fuel to the fire
add fuel to the flame
add oil to the fire
adjourn sg to the next day
ambassador to the court of st. james
and clothes to the good
answer to the description
answer to the name of
answer to the name of sg
answer to the point
answering to the description
appeal to the chair

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Legutóbbi 10 fordítás

drive mad
get taped
in parcel
it makes no sense
main lode
cod, cod
moderate price
to the


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